Thursday, July 15, 2010

WOW, I was an AMAZING decorator back when


This is going to be a funny one.

So I was rummaging through old photos from college (WHY AM I NOT TIRED AT 3 AM?!?!) and I found some evidence of my collegiate decorating abilities.

Feast your eyes..

Now as you can see here...I look pooped for 12:42. Where is my youth?!?! Anyways...take a look at the decorations. On the far right you can see a tapestry I bought at Ikea - $5. Notice then the colorful line that connects said tapestry to an old calender photo. I made that strip from paint sample strips - the kind you can pick up from Walmart for FREE. I just cut them up and taped them to my wall. Farther to the left, notice the small records, probably by bands that I didn't know, also taped the wall - Thrift store $1.25. Then finally to the left of the my right shoulder, the movie ticket stubs that document my active life style. Well, all I can say is, I need to stop watching HGTV and find inspiration from myself!

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