Sunday, February 20, 2011

My first wedding dream..

So last night I had my first wedding inspired dream. To give you some background, I watched the movie "Flipped" last night (very adorable - like 500 days of Summer) and so characters from that movie are in my dream.

Okay so the dream takes place a couple days from now after it has snowed (which I heard yesterday is supposed to happen Monday night or something). And I am apparently having my wedding at a house where the family from "Flipped" lives, although their family is much larger in my dream - kind of like Seventh Heaven meets the family from "Flipped." Anyway, their house is huge and they have this huge backyard. I go out back and they are clearing away all their livestock.  I am video-taping. They don't put them in trucks, they put their sheep, cows, and reindeer (yep, reindeer) in these slatted containers kind of like bottom-less egg cartons, that are then just lifted up into the sky.

Then Zack shows up. Kyle's brother Zack. He is carrying a large black bazooka-like gun and saying, "Look at this!" Then he shoots the gun and it shoots out a blue light into the sky that bursts into fireworks. I am so excited by this. He keeps shooting more and more of them. I convince him to save some for our wedding, at which point he opens up his satchel and inside he has all these little lights, like night-brite lights but continuously lit up - major ammo for the fireworks gun.

Then Kyle shows up and takes me for a ride on his motorcycle, which he has in this dream. Kyle is dressed like Wolverine, which I think is a detail inspired by his new facial hair style - chops. As we are driving up this hill, I look around at the snow and say, "Hey, it's not time for our wedding. We didn't even send out invitations. Our wedding is next June."

And that is all I remember.

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