Monday, January 31, 2011

Singing to Me...and to You...

 I feel like this song is for me. I am a very purpose driven person. I think it is because I am a teacher. We always have to think of the purpose of a lesson, the objective, before we plan it. So now, more than ever, I think of the purpose of my life before I plan. What, oh what, though is my purpose? I know I am a teacher, but I feel like I am meant for more, as cheesy as it sounds.

And this is the song I wish I could sing to everyone in the world. As cheesy as that sounds. What a cool Valentine's day insight - knowing that God loves you more than anyone ever could. You are his. You're beautiful.

To Gym or Not to Gym...

So I am watching one of those weight loss shows, because our cable TV is limited, and I am wanting a gym membership. costs money and that money I feel would be too often wasted by me not actually going to the gym. I think working out would be fun with a plan and a buddy, but what I say and what I have done in the past are very different.

There is this episode of Gilmore Girls where they actually go to a gym. For those of you who may not be true GG fans, that is very uncharacteristic. Those ladies eat 3 donuts a day, drink 9 cups of coffee, and never gain a pound...but still look naturally healthy which is cool. Anyway, they go, they wear cute outfits, they drink cucumber water, and then just sit. This would be me...minus the actually going to the gym. Ha.

So instead I exercise to my Wii. Crazy the leaps and bounds video games have made. Speaking of which, I am pretty sure a game that rivals the awe and excitement of the Dance Knnect game will be made for the Playstation Move. Until then, I love you, Just Dance 2. Iko Iko!

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Short Dress...

I have only worn a long gown once in my life - prom - and it was cumbersome. But a wedding could be the only other time in my life to wear a floor length gown. Yes, but short gowns are so flattering. And everyone would be able to see my cute shoes. So many thoughts. Look at these cute short dresses...

I love this one. : )

Oh my....but in finding short dresses, I found these amazing gowns. My new favorite designer - Priscilla of Boston. Such great stuff...

So many pretty dresses...I love it. So Richmond here I come...because they have Priscilla dresses.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Married Life...

When I was young, I thought married life was one thing and one thing only – boring. Coming home everyday to the same house, to the same people, to the same tasks seemed too little to sustain my “I-wanna…I-wanna…I-wanna” attitude of the time. But it’s funny how those “I-wannas” change over time as one matures and values set in that actually mean something. Now, I love my home, I love the person I come home to everyday, I love my tasks, I love my day-to-day life. Though I have to say I still hate mornings…booo to mornings…we should be able to sleep in until at least 10 to then go and teach the future. The future wouldn’t mind sleeping in until 10 either. We can just expect kids to eat a nice brunch before they come to school and then they can just snack while we are teaching them. Skip lunch – it’s a waste of time. Hmm…another clue that being a professor wouldn’t be so bad. Anyway, I digress.

Married life. After I am dressed and in my car in the morning, sipping on coffee (I am a little addicted to it now), I perk up. I love my job. It is amazing imparting knowledge, inspiring great thinkers, challenging the brains of teenagers who many, if left to go at themselves, would rather waste their brains on mindless Jersey Shore and video games. And then I come home to a warm and inviting space that I got to decorate and love accordingly and I eat and watch TV and hang out with the coolest man …and his beard. Confession – I wouldn’t cry if the beard wasn’t involved. (Have you seen that thing lately – it has moved beyond a little scruffy and is now more Abe Lincoln) But, life is awesome and fulfilling and joyful. Even more so today – hence the outburst of happy – because it is SNOWING and snow brings joy like “getting-out-of-going-to-work-because-I-am-a-teacher” joy. I also already had 3 cups of coffee and am still in my sweatpants. : ))))

Married life is different though. Well, even just “living-with-Kyle” life was different. Like I used to go to the grocery store maybe twice a month and survive just fine. I can easily and happily live off of cereal, peanut butter toast, and cottage cheese. But, men seem to like hot meals, especially hot meals that involve some sort of meat. I can’t believe how much a vegetarian I used to be, not by choice, but by laziness. If it wasn’t for those all so needed trips to Red Robin all the time, I could have easily given up meat and not even known it. Also, Kyle doesn’t seem to understand the concept of watching crap TV just to make fun of it. Ya know, you watch The Bachelor not because you believe in the process of game show love, but because you want to make fun of the large-chested blonde who says “now my parents will be proud of me” when she is being kicked off the show. Ha. He thinks crap TV, no matter how you watch it, is always crap TV. And the man cannot get my obsession with the Gilmore Girls. He gets the love for The Office and How I Met Your Mother, but Gilmore Girls – not quite. Ugh, I wish my best gal pals didn’t live so far away. I have two extra bedrooms ladies..huh? huh? We could get a trundle bed? What an offer!


None-the-less, I love living with Stephen Kyle Wade.  We are always having a good time and he doesn’t watch mindless sports all day and he even plays Just Dance with me. Life is good. Sometimes the world is as easy as a bumper sticker. 

P.S. I love writing. Sometimes I wish I could be social commentator. I wish I had a column in a paper that just involved me, with much wit and charm, saying things like “have you noticed lately that…” and “the world today…” and “in my studies of the day to day in this town…” Okay, that last one sounded a little presumptuous, but hey, what “the-world-in-my-view” column writer doesn’t.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cheesy and Lame ...OR...Cute and Fun?

So I like dress # 2...which is cute, but doesn't reach the floor. Fun, easy, and now my shoes can really make a statement. Sooo...should I wear cowboy boots? Ha. In two days, I will says "just kidding" about this question, but for now...take a look : )

Sooo...I don't think these boots would go with that dress, but hey...just an idea. I also like these...
Yay shoes!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dresses I Like

I  know I still have over a year to find a beautiful dress, but what can I say, I am excited. Nonetheless, who said early planning is crazy planning.

Anyway, here are a few dresses I like so far. Allure dresses are my favorite.

Well - at least it will be easy to tell people what my wedding dress style is ---white. Ha!

So far, my favorite, or at least running fav at the moment, is #2.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Wedding Blog... instead of overwhelming this site with all my wedding ideas, I decided to make a separate page dedicated to the wedding prep. Our wedding blog wedding blog of our wedding.

I hear a date is important...

We started with June 2011. Too soon. Not enough time to raise enough money to pay for it.

Then, in the hopes of a beautiful fall wedding, we moved to October 1, 2011. All was set, we had a venue, but then it fell through because our venue double-booked. So we started looking elsewhere. Then some more things came up.

Okay - March 31st, 2011. Pre-Easter days off would help with the possible honeymoon after the wedding. But, we want an outdoor wedding and March weather is iffy.

Soooo....and this really isn't because of cold feet....June 16th, 2012. School should be over, so I will definitely have the time off. My college-attending loved ones might find it easier to make the trip. It will be warm. And we will have over a year to plan and save. Phew. That's it, baby. June 16th, 2010.

Oh and I found some really cute save-the-dates. I won't post a picture, because that would ruin the surprise. But they are adorable. Expect them soon...and my call for your addresses. It's a long time to save the date - so you will have to keep them on your fridge and I will have to keep reminding you. : )

Monday, January 17, 2011

Found it...

Found that "dream" place. Notice the quotation marks around the word dream. Yeah. Its not that great. My imagination exaggerates.

We have CAKE...

...and lanterns.

That is all we have.

So far.

I should say that, huh?

That is all we have so far.

We found a great venue, a new one, but it is a little pricey. And there is not much to the grounds. I wanted a lawn to play croquet on. Plus, there was this place I found a long time ago when I was dreaming about weddings and now I have no idea where or what it was. It had a barn-like building for the reception and all the tables and chairs were wood. It had outdoor seating and ....ahhh....I don't remember. Oh memory, memory, wherefore art thou memory?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

We Added a Little Somethin' Somethin' our house.

I realized the last pictures I have on here of our house is just of the floors being ripped up and the new ones being put down. So here are some more. We aren't completely done yet, but we are getting there.
I love my fish basket art thing and glass jug that I got at thrift store in Draft.

One of my favorite walls in the house - I love this collage.

My Christmas table. I got the table from Kim - sanded the top and refinished it. I got the bench - refinished it too - and chairs from Nan. not many pictures. But I will take some more once we add a little more decor around the place.

Christmas 2010

So, I haven't blogged in a while. It has been so hard - life without blogging. Okay, maybe not so melodramatic, but still, I thought I would start with an update on our Christmas. Our first Christmas living together. It was great - time with family at OUR house. Kathy, Jeff, and Kyle's friend James all came in to stay with us. I bought enough food to make about 8 meals and only made about 2, but its okay, I made the best scones ever. Kyle got me an awesome camera and I got him a waterproof camera. Great minds think alike?

It all started on the Tuesday before Christmas - we had a Wade girls' night making cookies!

Kacey, of course, made one that looked like a turd.

Stewart wanted some he climbed in the tree.
 Then it was Christmas Eve! We went to the Wades first, then Frank's, then the Wallace's. We even made Jeff concede to opening one present each on Christmas Eve. We all got in our PJs on Christmas Eve and Kathy was extremely excited that we had Apples to Apples, so we of course played our little hearts out. We all had so much fun!

Zach said he didn't want his gift if Kyle didn't wrap it. So Kyle wrapped it. And it took Zach 15 minutes to open it. : )

We got Nan and Harry this wooden cross. Harry loved it, then he accidentally broke it.

James and the Beard acting fancy with our Snopkowski wine glasses.

Told you...really excited.

Christmas Pjs. Kyle's is a union suit. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

No internet ...

We are still fighting with Comcast to come out and hook up our internet. I miss you Google and Etsy and Blogger and all the random searching and wandering around the world wide web. Once we win this internet battle - I am going to make a wedding blog to keep everyone up to date and to throw out some ideas.

October 1st!!

Wooo hoooo!!!