Monday, April 25, 2011


There are such negative stereotypes when it comes to being a bridesmaid - ugly dresses, skeazy groomsmen, tyrannosaurus rex of a bride...well, no no and no to all of those at my wedding. My bridesmaids are just my sidekicks in beauty and friendship. I promise to not overwhelm them with too many duties. I promise to not bombard them with complaints about caterers and flowers. I promise to not make them stay up until 5 am the night before making flower arrangements (I can't say anything about the day of...probably will ask you to help decorate). And most important, I promise to not force them to wear ugly bridesmaid dresses. In fact, I think it would be cool if they all picked their own dresses...although I have to limit them on color, but still.

Look at these mismatched fun, so unique. 
I like the mustaches. Very cute.

I even like the long and long as the bridesmaid feels comfortable and beautiful (and fits in to the whole scheme of it)....go for it.
Like the prints.
TOOO mismatched. No rainbow bridesmaids. Cheesy. 
These women were so ashamed they had their faces blotted out. Just kidding....but phew.

SO what is the color scheme you ask?
Well, as of right now I have decided I want to go for a very organic look and not just pick two colors. So I am thinking about the following colors....maybe not all together....but I like these colors:  muted grayish purple, various tans, light country blue, muted light green, salmon, barely there pink, and buttercream yellow. Here are some color inspiration pictures:

Think vintage. Think antique. Think light and airy. That is what I am going for. : )

I will make a definite decision soon though. I have to.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Romans 5:6-10 "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."And he rose again!

This Easter has been great. First of all, the time off from school has been refreshing. Kyle and I went to see his mom and Jeff for the last two days. The weather has been sunny, the food delicious, and church inspiring. We went to see the Living Passover, a musical depicting the birth, works, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The actors and singers in the show were so talented and the show was so stirring and emotional. I loved it. We hung out with some great company for the rest of the weekend and now are home eating what the awesome Easter bunny named Kathy brought us. Chocolate, oh the chocolate.

Chocolate covered caramel apples. Oh, man.
While in Williamsburg, we also searched the local antique shops for records for Kyle's awesome new record player. I snapped a couple shots.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Duo Dress

Oh man, I saw this and I was wowed! And the price - only $944 online. I like this designer - Liz Fields. It is the first time I looked at her dresses. I wonder when I need to start trying on dresses. The summer some time? I guess that'll do.

So cool!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tents? a few of the gorgeous and affordable rental spots for a wedding around here would require a tent...just in case of rain. I have never been to a tent wedding, so I google-imaged it, just for some ideas.
Not bad. Seems stuffy?
This one looks better. Like the wood frame...probably wouldn't have that.
Not bad. Dark.
With professional lighting and a dance floor.
I don't know if I like the tent. Hm.

My Family from PA

..came to visit. It had been a long time since they came down, so it was nice to have them see where we live and, I guess, how we live, which is usually in the living room, in the kitchen, or snapping photos....oh or shopping. A life summed up, ha! Anyways, we ate, we took a couple walks, we shopped around, we watched a couple moves, and played some video games. Here is some documenting...
Cousin BJ

What a handsome face...

Me and my uncle.

My cousin, Stephanie.

After messing with the settings on my camera...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

C-Town Shopping Trip

...with Mary Scott and Maddie. We started with pancakes at the Stuarts Draft HS pancake breakfast - got to see my students early on a Saturday morning and eat delicious pancakes with my favorite cousins-in-law. Then we made the trip to Charlottesville to check out the mall and get even more grub. We shopped. We made Maddie eat butter. D tried sushi and spit it right back out. And we ended the day eating cannolis as we drove home in a hail storm. Great day!

One reason to take Maddie with you - she volunteers to carry all the stuff. : )

She'll do anything.

My face is dumb.

Yay shopping day.