Sunday, October 3, 2010

Charity of the Month

Since I am getting paid by the month, I am thinking of giving to a different charity each month. This will increase my junk mail, but it is worth it. : )

I watched two Diane Sawyer specials today that led me to pick the charity for this month. The first 20/20 special exposed the truth behind Islam and the differences between what Muslims consider their true religion and that which pushes radicals towards terrorism. The other special revealed the brutality used against women in Afghanistan. I put that one on my Christian blog - it is heart-breaking.

Therefore, the charity of the month is an organization called Women for Women: an organization that works internationally to help women gain the freedoms and respect they deserve.

I get so overwhelmed thinking of how I want to change this world, but I never seem to stand up and do something. I decided that I need to stop trying to start huge and just start small. So instead of buying that nice new skirt at the Gap, I will send a few bucks off to maybe help someone else. It's a start.

Oh and if you want to watch something else that will make your heart break - but shows the truths of this world - watch the documentary "The Cove." You can watch it instantly on Netflix. Or if you can't watch, don't have the time or what not, just boycott Sea World and all other "swim with the dolphin" programs. They get their dolphins from horrible fishing industries in Japan.

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