Saturday, February 5, 2011


I know in a previous post I rambled on about missing my gal-pal-reality-TV-time, but living with a boy is awesome. Our house is fully loaded with video games! Kyle doesn't usually buy chocolates and flowers, but then again I am not the chocolate and flowers kind of girl. Instead he bought me a Wii!! For my birthday and I got him the Playstation Move for his birthday. We are a gaming match made in heaven. If only I liked shoot'em up games it would be perfection. But then again, Kyle doesn't need me for that, he has Kori. :  )

I like how Stewie is involved as well.

Playing frisbee golf on the Move.
Kyle and his friend Jeremy playing Just Dance 2 = Very hilarious.

P.S. Look at Kyle's beard. Oh man. He hasn't shaved it since...hmmm...maybe about October. I keep trying to convince him to shave it to no avail.

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