Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Great Visit

For my last weekend before school starts, I could have gone to the beach or slept 24 hours a day, but I got something better - family time! Kori, Briana, Jack, and Kaya came into town to visit and they stayed with us! Woo hoo!
On Friday: Kyle and I watched 24 and I made the best meatloaf ever. I also made blueberry cobbler and it was delicious. Best dinner I ever made. Poor Kori, Briana, and the kids were stuck on 95 in bumper to bumper traffic and didn't come in until pretty late in the night. It was great to finally see them when they got here.

On Saturday: Kori and Briana had a job taking pictures of a family friend and so Kyle and I watched our favorite niece and nephew. We don't really have many toys around, so I blew up some old water balloons I found. Fun times....I hope. : ) Then we visited with the family out in Swoope and came home to hang out with Zach and Kacey until we couldn't stay awake any longer.
Kaya liked the balloons. 

On Sunday: Troy, Kim, Cayxie, Zach, and Kacey brought over bagels and donuts and we had a house full. It was a blast. Kacey's kitten Cinci and Jack and Kaya had a contest chasing a lazer pointer around the kitchen floor. It just solidified my theory on the similarities between babies and cats...but I will save that for another time. Then, we all took Jack and Kaya to the awesome playground near our house. Besides all the sweat it caused, that was probably the most fun we had all week. Finally, Kori, B, and the kids and I met up with Zach and Kyle at the river. They just had to go fishing. The Marylanders left after that and Kyle and I stopped by Kacey's house for Zach's "Going-Away-to-College" barbecue. We ate some really delicious food. Now, I am back here, Kyle is on his way back from fishing again, and I have to go to work tomorrow. Boo that the summer is over.
Either chasing a kitten or the lazer pointer.
We play like children. 
I will post more of these pictures later. There are some funny ones. 

At the river. 

1 comment:

  1. I was just telling Kori, you've never seen a group of adults have so much fun at a park. Jack had a blast and we did too!!!
