Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Going to the Chapel and We're Gonna....


So excited. So very excited. I just turned the corner to see if Kyle wanted whipped cream on his pie and there he was on his knee with a ring and a big smile. "Will you marry me?" He asked. I laughed and smiled and jumped up and down and said YES! And I was never expecting such a beautiful ring. I thought we were going to just get a cheap ring but look at that baby. He went all out and I love him so much - sparkly or no sparkly ring. So in that mindset, be prepared for this to become more of a "preparing for a wedding blog." *big smiles*



  1. wow! Congrats to you both! You're ring is gorgeous! I played that same song over and over when Matt and I were going to get married. Have fun wedding planning! It's so much fun and soak in every minute of it! In the blink of an eye, it's all over with. :( Happy for the both of you!

  2. AAhhhhhhh!!!! I was so excited when Drake told me. You are going to be my sister :) Can't wait to hear the planning details! Love you
