Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Namer Extraordinaire

 I like names. I wish I had a job where you would be paid to name products and give titles to books and movies. There is something grand in the perfect few words that are meant to represent a piece of art or even a person. If I lived in the book 1984, I would want my job to be "Namer of Test Tube Babies." I am not sure this was a proper job in such a society, but hey its fiction, we can always write it in.

Here are some awesome names I came up with...

Henderson Lincoln ...but everyone calls him "Huck," because Huckleberry (no offense Mr. Finn) is lame, but "Huck" is pretty awesome.

Benjamin Watson ...inspired by my dear Watson

Ellis Julian ...boy or girl? Not sure. 

Eddison Tennessee ....this is a girl's name. It's like Addison, which I also like, but that name was stolen by some red head on a TV show. Also, there is this song I like called "A Girl Named Tennessee" thus the Tennessee part

Honor Farren ....Some celebrity named their kid Honor, and as cheesy of a name as it is, I like the sound of it

Ophelia Dean ...Okay, so yes, Ophelia went a little crazy and killed herself, but she had a pretty name to start out with, a name that had nothing to do with her killing herself.

Olive Edaline .....I like both these names, so I am not sure of the order

I also love - Tessa, Thea, Tilly, Pace, Rory, London, Barrett, Colby, Oliver, Watson, and Drew

So give me a job, Aldous Huxley your fictional novel...

...and I need to come back to reality. Boo.

1 comment:

  1. I like Colby a lot too. That's what we are thinking about naming our B2 due in April...if it's a boy...and I'm so hoping it is. :)
