Friday, September 17, 2010

La La Lists

Okay, so this first list might sound like complaining...but it is just a simple list. A list of things that STINK! : )

A Short List of Things That Stink
1. Accidentally walking into the boys' bathroom
2. Breaking out because of stress
3. Having like 5 home improvement tasks ahead of you with no energy to start any of them
4. The way flats make your feet sweat and ...stink ...literally
5. Kyle working weekends
6. International Delight Fat Free Vanilla Latte creamer....yuck!
7. A student who disguises a mean question as a general question. For example (you know this happened today and prompted this whole list) a student said, with a sneer, "Is this class only a semester long or does it last all year?" Just made me want to stick my tongue out at him. Ha! for a positive note.  Here are the things-that-don't-stink list. 

A Wee but Worthy List of Wonderful Things
1. God saving me from embarrassment and making sure that boys' bathroom was empty. Really, who are these new teachers August County is hiring? Sheesh.
2. Alliteration ...and everyone who knows what that is. Google if you don't. : )
3. Catching up with Pooja Mathew
4. Generous family members who give their furniture away when they plan to buy new
5. The one ninth grader who calls "Teacher! Teacher!" when he wants me to check his writing. It is so cute.
6. 3 years.
7. Finally finding bedding I like.