Sunday, October 17, 2010

Brightness, Imagination, and Beauty

We had this meeting at Draft a while ago that spoke of teaching 21st century students in the "21st Century Way." Blah blah, yadda yadda. (just kidding, I listened and learned) But the most interesting point the presenter brought up was in one of the very first "hook 'em into it" slides. She brought up the results of a study on the creative mindsets of 5 year olds vs. 50 year-olds. Here is the basis of the chart:
                                                         5 year old                                50 year old
Number of imaginative
thoughts per day                                     32                                             4

Number of questions asked
out of curiosity per day                            27                                            2

Number of laughs per day                        23                                            3

There were other parts to the chart as well, but I didn't write them down. I like how the thing that struck me the most in this teaching seminar might not have really had that much to do with teaching, but then again, it has a lot to do with life in general. It makes you think - what happens to us? We shut off our imagination? We stop asking questions? We laugh less? I thought of this chart when I was on my way home from a weekend filled with plenty of imagination, curious questions, and laughter. I spent the weekend with two great kids that just reminded me that there is such pure joy and creativity  in a child's mind and heart. It brings life back to reality. Adulthood can be stressful - but I really think it can be less so, if you just remember what it is like to be a child. And that is my Dr. Phil lecture of the day. *cheesy wink*

Here are some cute pictures Kori and Briana took. : )

My favorite...hahaha.

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