Thursday, October 7, 2010

Spirit Week

Homecoming is here... at the ol' Draft. Here are some shots from the two best days - super hero day and 80s day. I think next year we should have celebrity look-a-like day.
We just both happened to be "Grammar Girl" so we joined forces. My cape reads "Catch the Run-on" and "Defeat Text Message Spelling" - those are the baddies I face everyday. 

The Visionary! I helped Ms. Quesenberry with her costume. She is the art teacher...couldn't you tell?
The ladies on 80s day....I forgot to take my own picture. I looked like their mom from the 80s. 
Tomorrow is School Spirit day. And there is a pep rally and a homecoming parade and the homecoming game. I have to work the game - running the ticket booth. I also have to chaperone the dance on Saturday. I am going to be worn out with all this homecoming....just come home already.

1 comment:

  1. Ah this makes me want to redo high school at your school! :)
